Archive for January, 2009

Kohana PHP framework

You know, I’m a die-hard fan of CodeIgniter. Among a lot of PHP frameworks out there, I prefer CI over Zend, Cake, Symfony etc. because of its speed, efficiency, and most importantly, simplicity. Just download it, unzip into a folder, and call it done. To me, a framework that costs me more than 10 minutes [...]

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IP address to geographic details

Today I received a small project to detect the country of web visitors. I’ve never done something like that before, so as always, I started googling around. And it turned out that it’s not that complex - there is a company called MaxMind that offers APIs to look up geographic details from an IP address. The [...]

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WP-DBManager’s vulnerability

I’ve been using WP-DBManager for quite a while now, and in short it’s a very good - if not the best - WordPress plugin to help you manage your database - with just one click, you can backup, restore, repair, optimize, and do other tasks. Essential plugin, really. But today I noticed this DANGEROUS thing, [...]

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Setup a development version of WordPress

Being a WordPress user, there’re certainly times when you want to try something new with your blog - a new plugin, some hacks and tweaks, some theme fine-tunes etc. It may not be a big deal if your blog is new and has a limited userbase, but if you’re maintaining a big blog, then every [...]

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