My icons

It was 3 years ago - how time flies - when I joined Wincustomize community. I was *very* deep into PC customization that time, especially Object Dock (so ashamed to admit I was using a cracked version of this great application). To make up my dock I was hunting PNG icons all the time, till that day when I decided to do something on my own.

So this was my first attempt - an icon for Alcohol 120%:

Alcohol 120%

Not impressive at all, I know…

Some weeks after I came up with this idea: create a forum thread that accepts requests from people who are in need of a icon for their not-so-well-known application. “Rare Icon Request” thread was born. Though I was too busy to continue my contribution in the thread and had to quit a while ago, the thread is still alive and kicking. Now it’s 3 year old, has 1832 replies in 74 pages, and provided hundreds of high quality icons totally free of charge. I’m happy ;)

Now I’m not making icons anymore, but still I have special sympathy for them…

Here are some icons I made in the good old times. All of my icons were done in Photoshop, with mouse and keyboard - till now I’ve never ever owned a tablet.

DeskTask icon

Free Commander


Feeding Frenzy



Windows Live Messenger

I’ve never been a professional icon designs, but I’m rather proud of my “children”. Here they are.

Bonus: Here is a screenshot of my desktop those days.

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