Archive for the ‘Server stuffs’ Category


It’s been quite a while I don’t have any update on this blog (sorry my *ten* RSS subscribers…). If there is any excuse, then it should be the fact that I’ve just left Gameloft to join a start up, and you know it, the work load is just a bit heavier than what I expected. [...]

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php.js - Javascript equivalents for PHP functions

Being a PHP developer, there must be certain times when you have to deal with Javascript. And if you’re rather confident with PHP when in the meantime suck at JS just like me, you must have more than once googled for the JS equivalent of that very useful/powerful base64_encode, or htmlentities, or array_merge, or strpos, [...]

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Kohana PHP framework

You know, I’m a die-hard fan of CodeIgniter. Among a lot of PHP frameworks out there, I prefer CI over Zend, Cake, Symfony etc. because of its speed, efficiency, and most importantly, simplicity. Just download it, unzip into a folder, and call it done. To me, a framework that costs me more than 10 minutes [...]

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IP address to geographic details

Today I received a small project to detect the country of web visitors. I’ve never done something like that before, so as always, I started googling around. And it turned out that it’s not that complex - there is a company called MaxMind that offers APIs to look up geographic details from an IP address. The [...]

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Google Search in an AJAX’ed way

I have a good news and a bad news for today. The bad news is, I got hit by a f-king drunker several days ago in a traffic accident (Saigon’s traffic is pure shit) and had to take some macro surgeries. The good news is, due to this accident I have some free time to [...]

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AJAX Random Posts - a new WP plugin (of mine)

Firstly, I’d like to show off a bit: hey I’ve caught up with the crowd, now both of my sites (this one and are upgraded to WordPress 2.7 - well, let’s hope that it is not prone to new vulnerabilities. The most significant change is the admin section - for the first time in [...]

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Referrer Detector 2.1.1 and a little bit more

Hi everyone! It’s been a while… yes I know I’m feeding up your ears (or eyes) with this same old same old greeting, but I’ve never been a good speaker. So it’s been a while, and I’m writing another small plugin for personal purpose. Remember, I have another site dedicated to Vietnamese poetry? Well, I’m [...]

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Convert a database from latin1 to utf8 charset (aka. redesigned)

If it’s been a while since my last update on this blog, then I’d say sorry, I was working on a re-design of my favorite site. Ok, I’ll be honest here: I didn’t invent anything, instead I only took a copy of the great Notepad Chaos theme from Smashing Magazine and spent some time [...]

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Here it is - Referrer Detector 2.0

As said yesterday, I’ve managed to update my Referrer Detector plugin to its second major release. During the last week, it was soooo great to see that despite of all the bugs and limitations, my plugin has been warmly welcomed. And never in my (blogging) life have I had to moderate that many of comments. [...]

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Referrer Detector 1.2 released

Woa… again, it’s been a long time since the first released day of my WordPress plugin Referrer Detector: 3 days! To stop you from laughing at that long long 3 days, I would like to notice that in our Internet, time is measure in microseconds. So, it’s been 3*24*60*60*1000,000 = 259 200 000 000 microseconds, [...]

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