WordPress plugins I’m using (cont’d)

Be sure you’ve read the first part of this post.

6. Though my knowledge is very very very humble, I sometimes do tutorials (don’t laugh, what a shame :”>), for example, this and this which have been receiving a few of visitors from Google. In these tutorials, I posted some source code - HTML, XML, PHP, Javascript, CSS etc. In order for them to be clearer to read, I highlighted them. How? Did I have to color each and every span? Nope. WP-Syntax is the key. This Geshi supported plugin did everything for me. Install and activate it, then wrap the code block into a <pre></pre> pair with a specified lang attribute, there, it’s done.

7. Do you notice that out of the box, the comment boxes provided by WordPress look very simple (read: ugly)? I do. And I hate it, especially comparing with the much more functional reply boxes in those forums out there. So I looked for a way to add my comment boxes some extra power, and finally stopped at MCEComments, a plugin that integrates TinyMCE into a WordPress comment box, giving it a lot more features. I’m pretty sure there are some other plugins that share the same purpose, but I’m not that picky - since MCEComments perfectly worked for me from the beginning, I’ll stick with it.

8. Just like all other plugin developers, I have a development version of this blog, as described in one of my previous posts. That post mentioned that I used WP-DBManager to create a backup of my live database. Though in another post, I talked about the possible vulnerability this plugin’s users may encounter if by any chance don’t strictly follow the instructions, this plugin is still a must-have. Almost every database-related actions can be performed through it: you can optimize, repair, empty/drop tables, run specific SQL queries, and most important, set up an automatic schedule to back up your database. No matter how big your blog scale is, keeping backup(s) of your database is a must. For this reason, having WP-DBManager healthily activated is vital.

9. For user experiences and interactions, I use 3 plugins in a row: ShareThis, Digg This O’ Mine, and Referrer Detector. The first is so famous that I see it on almost every blog - it allows blog owners and visitors to submit a post which they feel interesting to plenty of social services: Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Delicious etc.

The others are my own plugins, very simple, but fits my needs :) .

11. It is also a good idea (that I borrow from others) to have an “Other Posts” section on a post page - this reminds visitors to explore other (interesting) contents. I used to use Random Posts plugin to randomly display other posts, until I one day realized that it doesn’t work so well with WP-Super Cache. So I decided to write and use my own AJAX Random Posts. It’s a humble plugin (just like all other ones from mine), but again, it fits my needs, so still I’m using it.

12. Finally, for all these plugins, believe it or not, I didn’t have to download any them from WordPress codex repository, ever. Everything was automatically done by an extremely useful plugin called WP Easy Uploader. I downloaded, uploaded, activated (and configured) this one the very first. From then on, every time I need to upload a plugin, I just need to head to Tools:Upload Files, paste the download link into the URL text field, specify that it’s a plugin, and click the cute “Upload” button at the bottom. The plugin archive file will be grabbed from WordPress codex server and extracted just in place.

Yes, I know that with the 2.7 version of WordPress coming out, we have a neaty plugin installer built-in. But WP Easy Uploader still remains one of my most favorite plugin. The first reason is that it works for almost everything, not just plugins alone. With it, I rarely have to fire up FileZilla anymore. And you can tell, this seriously satisfies my laziness. Hehe. Hehe. Hehe.

So how about you? Do you have any recommendations or cool stuffs to share? How about trying my MCEComments-powered comment box right now?

Hot update: My latest plugin is the great MobilePress which renders my blog to work well on mobile handsets. Thank you very much, Thaya!

  • Thank you for this article. The tip on MobilePress alone was worth it, as I am an iPhone user and was wondering how I was going to “fix” the site. Awesome.

  • Thanks for the kind words about my WP Easy Uploader plugin. Reading nice comments about my stuff is always a great boost for my ego and my desire to keep producing tutorials and code.

    BTW… I really like your site. It has a great overall look and feel to it. Plus, I’m partial to earth tones.

  • I would recommend using the WPTouch plugin it also make your site mobile friendly but it makes the process much easier and the final result is much better as well.
    And one more thing, I get really annoyed when you make a post from one post of your blog to another and WordPress automatically inform you of a ping(from my own site) and here comes a tiny but very useful plugin called No Self Pings these plugins are both avaiable in WordPress plugin depository so just search it and you will find them.
    And Thank you

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